cPanel Mail Servers

socket bind() to port 25 for address (any IPv4) failed: Address already in use

socket bind
socket bind

socket bind() to port 25 for address (any IPv4) failed: Address already in use

socket bind() to port 25 for address (any IPv4) failed: Address already in use: waiting 30s before trying again (8 more tries)

If you are getting the above error on the exim_mainlog and the exim is not starting, it is most probably due to the port 25 is being used by another process.

You can find it using the following command.

netstat -pln | grep :25

Except for Exim email service, you can terminate any other process or service which is bind to port 25.

Then restart exim using the following command.

service exim restart

That’s it!

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