Install Sphinx on cPanel or CentOS

Install Sphinx
Install Sphinx

Install Sphinx on cPanel or CentOS

This post will help you to install Sphinx on cPanel or CentOS. Sphinx is a free software. It is designed to provide full-text search functionality to client applications.

Install Sphinx

The latest Sphinx version can be found from Here

Download the package and install it using the following link.

tar xzf sphinx-2.2.10-release.tar.gz
cd sphinx-2.2.10-release
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install

After the installation, please create a configuration file.

cp -pr /usr/local/etc/sphinx.conf.dist /usr/local/etc/sphinx.conf

Then, we need to create the start-up scripts.

vim /etc/init.d/searchd

and add the following:


case "${1:-''}" in
/usr/local/bin/searchd --stop
/usr/local/bin/searchd --stop && /usr/local/bin/searchd
echo "Usage: $SELF start|stop|restart"
exit 1

Make the start-up script file excecutable.

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/searchd

and start the service.

/etc/init.d/searchd start

Also, you can set autostart after server reboot by adding the start-up script on rc.local file.

vim /etc/rc.local

and add the following on it.

/etc/init.d/searchd start

That’s it!

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