Install mod_geoip on CWP CentOS Web Panel

install mod_geoip
install mod_geoip

Install mod_geoip on CWP – CentOS Web Panel

mod_geoip Apache module helps you to find the location of the IP address of the website visitors. This post describes how to install mod_geoip in CentOS Web Panel ( CWP )

Install mod_geoip

First, you need to install EPEL repo:

yum install epel-release

Once it is installed, you can simply install mod_geoip on CWP using “yum”.

yum install mod_geoip geoip-devel

Restart Apache service.

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

Verify the installation using the following command.

httpd -M | grep geoip

Sample Output:

[root@server ~]# httpd -M | grep geoip
geoip_module (shared)
[root@server ~]#

Remove the EPEL repo once the installation has been finished successfully.

yum remove epel-release -y

Install GeoIP PHP module

Run the following commands to install GeoIP PHP module:

cd /usr/local/src/
tar -zxvf geoip-1.0.8.tgz
cd geoip-1.0.8
./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config
make install

You can verify the installation using the following command:

php -m | grep geoip

Sample Output:

[root@server ~]# php -m | grep geoip
[root@server ~]#

That’s it!

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