Install Linux Kernel 5.0 on Ubuntu and its derivatives!

Install Linux Kernel 5.0
Install Linux Kernel 5.0 on Ubuntu

Install Linux Kernel 5.0 on Ubuntu and its derivatives!

In this tutorial, you will see how to install Linux Kernel 5.0 on Ubuntu, which is the latest version of Linux kernel released so far. This post is valid only for distributions that use Ubuntu as a base. The kernel 5.0 that we going to install is provided by Canonical in its official repository. So, if you are using a purely Debian-based distribution, the installation may not work.

I have already posted a piece of news about the features and changes in the new Linux Kernel 5.0. Please check it before proceeding this installation.

What will we need care about prior to the installation of Linux Kernel 5.0 on Ubuntu or its derivatives?

Even if the whole tutorial is tested and you can follow with complete security, upgrading to a mainline Linux kernel is generally not a good idea if you are an average desktop user and you don’t have any strong reason for the update. If you are using drivers such as Nvidia or AMD, you will need to reinstall these drivers.

Open the Terminal and enter into the temporary folder, that’s where we’ll download the files and install.

cd /tmp

Download Linux Kernel packages

Now that we have entered the temporary folder, paste the following commands to download the Kernel packages distributed by Canonical.

To download kernel packages for Ubuntu or Linux Mint 64 Bit Architecture, run the following commands:
wget -c https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.0/linux-headers-5.0.0-050000_5.0.0-050000.201903032031_all.deb

wget -c https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.0/linux-headers-5.0.0-050000-generic_5.0.0-050000.201903032031_amd64.deb

wget -c https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.0/linux-image-unsigned-5.0.0-050000-generic_5.0.0-050000.201903032031_amd64.deb

wget -c https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.0/linux-modules-5.0.0-050000-generic_5.0.0-050000.201903032031_amd64.deb
To download kernel packages for Ubuntu or Linux Mint 32 Bit Architecture, run the following commands:
wget -c https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.0/linux-headers-5.0.0-050000_5.0.0-050000.201903032031_all.deb

wget -c https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.0/linux-headers-5.0.0-050000-generic_5.0.0-050000.201903032031_i386.deb

wget -c https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.0/linux-image-5.0.0-050000-generic_5.0.0-050000.201903032031_i386.deb

wget -c https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.0/linux-modules-5.0.0-050000-generic_5.0.0-050000.201903032031_i386.deb

Installing Linux Kernel 5.0 on Ubuntu or Linux Mint

If you are still inside the temporary folder, go to the installation process. This is undoubtedly the easiest step. Execute the following command below:

Make sure that there are no .deb files on the /tmp directory before executing the following command.

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

That’s it! You have successfully installed Kernel 5.0 on your Ubuntu. To verify it, just run:

uname -r

Sample Output:

root@server:~# uname -r

Uninstall Linux Kernel 5.0 on Ubuntu or Linux Mint

If for some reason you no longer want Linux Kernel 5.0, you can remove it using the command below:

sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-5.0.0-050000-generic linux-image-unsigned-5.0.0-050000-generic

That’s it!

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