How to Install Kdenlive Video Editor on Ubuntu

Install Kdenlive Video Editor on ubuntu
Install Kdenlive Video Editor on ubuntu

Install Kdenlive Video Editor on ubuntu

This post helps to install Kdenlive Video Editor on Ubuntu. Kdenlive is a popular video editor available in Linux and Windows platform. I am explaining the installation of Kdenlive on Ubuntu.

The project files are also cross-platform, which means you can save a video project on one operating system and open it on another. It is suitable for domestic and often used for professional work. Kdenlive, without a doubt, is the best free and open source video editor.

Kdenlive officially distributed in two ways: through PPA for Ubuntu and through AppImage which is a format that runs on any Linux distribution. Also, it can be installed using Flatpak and snap.

Installation using Official PPA:

Please run the following commands to add Kdenlive stable PPA and install the app.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kdenlive/kdenlive-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kdenlive
Uninstall Kdenlive Video Editor (Optional):
sudo apt-get remove kdenlive
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:kdenlive/kdenlive-stable

Also, Daily PPA is available. But, please keep in mind that it is highly experimental and unstable.

Installation using Official AppImage:

You can use Kdenlive application using an official AppImage. You can use it on any Linux distributions. You just need to download the AppImage, give the permission to run and then double-click on it to open the app! You can see the latest version of AppImage in the KDE® Community website’s release page.

Download Linux 64-bit AppImage

Install Kdenlive using Flatpak

Flatpak is a “Universal Installer” for Linux like snap and AppImage. Please note that you need to Enable Flatpak Support on your system before proceeding with the installation.

If the Flatpak support is enabled, run the following commands to install Kdenlive Video Editor:

sudo flatpak install https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/org.kde.kdenlive.flatpakref
To update the program:
sudo flatpak update org.kde.kdenlive.flatpakref
To uninstall Kdenlive:
sudo flatpak uninstall org.kde.kdenlive.flatpakref

Install Kdenlive Video Editor using Snap

Snap is also a next-generation technology for building and installing desktop applications, which promises to revolutionise the way you install programs on Linux like Flatpak and AppImage. I have already described how to Enable Snap Package support in Linux systems.

sudo snap install kdenlive --edge
Update the package:
sudo snap refresh kdenlive
Remove Kdenlive:
sudo snap remove kdenlive

That’s it!

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